Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Watermelon Strollers

Guess what, loyal readers? I've become a mom!

Yes, it's true. I recently adopted a baby. Here's a picture of the young one:

As you can see, he loves to nap, especially on the go. He doesn't know how to even crawl yet, of course, so I had to get him a stroller that was comfortable enough to sleep in. There are plenty of soft, flannel strollers available, but as it's summer, the poor watermelon overheats. I even fretted about taking him to the ER on one particularly warm day on the way to the grocery store. But I found a solution.

This stroller is made for watermelon parents and caretakers. Simply, it's a stroller to protect your watermelon from the elements. It even has a long handle for easy walking! But even better than that, it chills your watermelon to keep it cold and healthy. It also has a warming option for cold winter days.

It's made by Joybond, a Japanese company. They call the Tama-Chan.

All jokes aside, this thing costs 19,950¥, which rounds out to about $225. Quite frankly, that's too much for a glorified cooler.

Anyway, have a good day, thingologists! And *gasp* – I posted this before midnight, woohoo! See you tomorrow!

Pictures (except the baby/watermelon duo) from InventorSpot.com.

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